Thursday 12 August 2010

The debate continues...

You know this subject just keeps snowballing. Kind of fitting really, when you think how cold it is outside.

Jenny Lee, the main academic curator, was been interviewed on ABC 774 by Hilary Harper, and also on 3RRR on Breakfasters, talking about the exhibition and Banned Books in general.

But it doesn't stop there. Tonight we have a sold out forum to discuss the issues surrounding censorship. Associate Professor David Bennet (another key contributor to the exhibition) is the convenor. Our guest speakers include:
  • Dr Donald McDonald, Director, Classification Board
  • Dr Philip Nitschke, author of the currently banned book, The peaceful pill
  • Associate Professor Robert Nelson, Monash University
  • Associate Professor Richard Pennell, University of Melbourne
  • Dr Lauren Rosewarne (University of melbourne)

It's a who's who of speakers, to cover the range of topics from current censorship policies and in particular internet censorship, an individuals right to free speech, censorship in art, banning jihadist literature for research and sexual perversion and the politics of censorship.

Sounds like a cracking evening. Can't make it along? Fear not - our fabulous guest speakers have agreed to be recorded, so hopefully there will be a podcast available from our website. So watch this space.


  1. if you would like to see an banned book sculpture then have a look at

  2. Thanks for passing this link on Yanwu. I really like the sculpture. There are some interesting things being done using books as a medium for sculptue, or books as inspiration for other artworks.

    It would be great to know what 'Lykke' means. Can you shed any light?

    If anyone else has links - send them our way.

  3. 'Lykke' is Danish and means 'luck' or 'happiness'. Tillykke means 'congratulations'.
